Information in conformity with the Statute of March 26, 2010

1. Your lawyer and his office

You have retained the services of one of the lawyers of CVBA Lange Advocaten.  This lawyer is a member of the Bar of Antwerp, Belgium, and has his office at Schermersstraat 30, 2000 Antwerp.

Your lawyer is a partner, associate or junior lawyer of the CVBA Lange Advocaten, a partnership as defined in the regulation dated November 8, 2006 of the Order of Flemish Bars, concerning single shareholder law firms and partnerships between lawyers.

The registered office of CVBA Lange Advocaten is at Schermersstraat 30, 2000 Antwerp, with company number 0459.853.739.

You can reach your lawyer via e-mail at “”, or at “initial”.

The professional liability of your lawyer is insured via the insurance of his firm with the professional liability insurer of the Antwerp Bar NV AMLIN EUROPE.  This policy provides coverage in all countries of the European Union.

If the insurer, for any reason whatsoever, refuses coverage, your lawyer's liability is limited to the amount of the fees invoices to and effectively paid by you.

2. Your lawyer and his services

Your lawyer can provide advice, legal assistance and mediation.  The contract with your lawyer is subject to Belgian law and in case of disputes the Antwerp courts have exclusive jurisdiction.

3. For information or in case of complaint

If you wish to obtain additional information of if you have a complaint, you can reach your lawyer:
- By mail at the address: Schermersstraat 30, 2000 Antwerpen
- By fax at the number: 03/303.91.39
- By e-mail at the address: “” of  “initial
- Via phone at the number: 03/303.91.30


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